Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Web Analytics Software Can Save Time and Money

Web analytics software is designed to gather information about a website’s visitors. Google has its own unique version of web analytics software that uses a complicated algorithm to collect and rank websites. Website analytics involves more than just keywords. It is a sophisticated system that provides data on how a website’s visitor ended up there (typing a web address vs. being redirected from another website), what links the visitor clicked, and at what point they navigated away from the website.

Web analytic software is a valuable tool for ecommerce since it effectively identifies consumer behavior. Merchants can then fine-tune their websites to drive sales, study market trends, and improve the customer experience. While Google Analytics is arguably the most well known and widely used web analytics software, there are other contenders doing great things, as well. While lesser known, the software described here offers powerful web analytics, as well as other benefits:

Varvy.com – Understanding Google’s Search Engine Guidelines

For the inexperienced, it can be difficult to understand the inner workings of Google Analytics and keyword rankings. Varvy.com seeks to make the learning curve less steep with an automated way to analyze any website specific to the established Google guidelines. Varvy.com is free to use, and users can simply enter a web address for detailed information on site maps, compliance with Google’s webmaster tools, the number of links on a website, and a host of other valuable information.

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Varvy.com not only allows users to analyze website data. The site seeks to educate users on the ins and outs of web analytics and how they can affect your bottom line. Once a user submits a website to be tested, the individual is provided with a detailed report of what was found, what the data means, and what steps should be taken next.

The website has a variety of articles and blog posts that provide information on common website pitfalls to avoid, tips and tricks, and an explanations of complicated web analytic concepts. In addition to web analytics, Varvy.com provides information on website speed, mobile SEO, WordPress plug-ins, and a host of other useful tools.

Varvy.com is completely free and can be accessed from anywhere, ranging from a desktop computer or laptop to a smartphone or tablet.

Cyfe – One-Stop Shop for Web Analytics

Cyfe developers state that businesses waste up to 80% of their time analyzing website data. Described as an “all-in-one dashboard ,“ Cyfe is filled with features to help users gather and interpret important website data. Cyfe goes further than common social media analysis tools to provide users with a thorough overview of a multitude of online activities using widgets. The widgets within the Cyfe app pull data from various pages all over the web and neatly present them in a sleek interface. Information can then be used to drive sales and target marketing efforts. Cyfe provides a variety of widgets that are commonly used and offers the ability to create customized widgets that aggregate data from company-specific applications and programs.

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The premium version of Cyfe analyzes data and conveniently stores 30 days’ worth, with historical data being archived so that it’s always accessible. The ability to review past data is a wonderful way to guide future decisions and provides a clear picture of past successes and failures. Another great feature is financial integration with widgets for popular sites like PayPal, Freshbooks, and QuickBooks. Cyfe even includes valuable keyword ranking so that users are better able to target the content pushed to their websites. The feature alone is worth the price of a premium Cyfe subscription.

Signing up for Cyfe is free, but upgrading to the premium level is only $19 per month, and a discount is given for annual subscriptions that are paid in full. For this price, users get a great deal of functionality in comparison to similar apps that offer less functionality. Cyfe is available for Android and iOS, and it can be accessed from a desktop computer, as well.

Technology continues to move at a rapid pace, and business owners need up-to-the minute communication now more than ever. Widespread access to the Internet makes competition stiff, and websites that are optimized for this rapidly changing environment will continue to outperform those that are not. It’s simply not necessary to squander countless hours analyzing data on your own when technology can crunch the numbers for you in a fraction of the time.

There is no shortage of web analytics software available, and most cost much more than those described here. These programs provide a great deal of benefits for very little money, proving that it is not always necessary to spend a lot of money for effective web analytics software.

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